Thursday, January 26, 2017

Why I Quit

"I quit." Words that come associated with many types of responses and emotions. One might receive applause as they turn from their undesirable behavior with the words "I quit." Words that might be admonished when attempting to achieve something of greatness. These same words might be met with confusion when said following something of partial indifference or something of liking.

I have received all types of reactions to my decision to "quit." Even my own brain warns of the way I might feel without this not-so-cute and life-suck that has become what most people consider to be their biggest player in social interaction. I hear thoughts like "how will you stay connected?" "How will you get to see the pictures of your family?" How will you keep up with the news and share the good news in your own life?" "What will you do to pass the time while waiting for the elderly lady to figure out the credit card machine in Sprouts?" (That really happened by the way.)

With all my doubts and all my concerns, I know the truth and the truth, I am told, will set you free. The truth is that this is probably the worst way to "stay connected." In fact it allows us to look through the windows of peoples lives and watch the highlight reels of their lives play out on their TV's. All the while allowing us to believe that we are inside with them being a part of their lives. This is a lie.

The truth is that my family will send me pictures, granted now I have to solicit them a little more often or be a part of the their actual lives so that I can take my own pictures.

The truth is that people I am really connected with already share their news with me because I am important to them and they important to me.

The truth is there is so much more valuable things to spend my time on while waiting in the checkout line in Sprouts. Or, crazy idea, I could actually be playing a part in the life that I am living rather than hiding behind my phone and playing in a world that is fake and manipulated by both the people writing the posts and the people controlling the content.

The truth is that this thing we think is so great for our lives has become something that many, myself included, now believe they can't live without. Similar to that is that is the microwave. Also true story, lived without one of those for 3 years. You learn how to actually cook things like popcorn. People think it is unfathomable to not have a microwave just as they do about Facebook.

The truth is that over the past couple of months, I have found myself actually blocking or hiding family, friends and many of those other people that my brain says "you must stay connected" due to the negativity and constant verbal and visual abuse to my happiness. I have no shame in this.

The truth is that Facebook has now become so flooded with ads and manipulated by the developers to pick and choose from my "friends" who's posts and items that I see that I no longer have any control over MY Facebook. It's flooded with negative messages, fake news, and other types of language I wouldn't allow anywhere else in my life. Furthermore, the pictures that I am longing to see are being hidden by the political and capitalist agendas of those that own, run and control this platform that I once enjoyed. So I guess the real truth is - I no longer enjoy it.

With that said, it is time to say "I quit." I want real relationships. I want real information. I want real communication. I know that by creating a blog, I've only found another way to hide in another form of social media. This may be true in part. However, when writing on here, I am not filled with discouragement or sadness. I am not filled with anger or disgust. And another truth may be that this too will be short lived and I may at some point in my future delete and discontinue.

It is time for me to seek out more positive and productive messages, conversations, and relationships. None of which, I feel can be accomplished through Facebook.

Thank you for listening.

With all my love,
God Bless,


  1. Hey just wanted to let you know, how happy I am for you. I agree with so much about what you have said. But most notably is that we really have no control over Facebook.

    Real people connections are going to be in person and not via a digitized image of ourselves or others. If we really want to have a lasting impact, we must get to know people in person, with the same intensity as we do on Facebook.

    I love your decision and I Thank You for the compliments. I hope you and I are part of a greater movement to say no to social media and say yes to social interaction.

  2. Great post! By the way, I found out about it on Facebook... Dad.

  3. Right Mike!I found out about it on Facebook too!
