About Me

My name is Jessica and I've been working in a 911 center for 7 years this July. I am the current night shift supervisor for a small department of 12 employees.

I love dispatching. A lot of people told me that only the ones that really love it end up making it a career. Whether this is my lifelong career or not, I don't know. What I do know is it is a calling and it is something that I love.

My passion is to help others, which is probably the main reason for my love of the job. I don't wear a cape, but I do wear a headset. I find that there are many others like me doing it for the love.

I've always wanted to start a blog in which I can share my personal story and opinions. I'm not seeking at out a large following, but rather seeking out a space to write and call my own.

As like the rest of you, I wear many job titles: Wife, Friend, Daughter, Sister, Dog Mom, Shopper, Lover of Bath & Body Works, Counselor, and Boss. I have hobbies that include: learning new hobbies, crochet, puzzles, games etc. I hope to share a little about each role and hobby periodically through this blog.

The main push for starting this blog, was when I ultimately decided to end my 13 year stay on Facebook (See post if your curious as to why). The hope was that this blog would allow me to still share and connect with those that I love while removing the hate and unnecessary negative messages of the world around me.

Whether you do know me or don't, let me say Welcome and Thanks for reading.

With all my love and God Bless,

1 comment:

  1. This my friend is a movement. Not of convincing others but convincing yourself. I think we can both agree that social interaction should not be hidden behind a keyboard. Social interaction needs to be purposeful and in person.

    I can't impact the lives of others by a post. As a matter of fact, I think it has done more damage to how we interact with people.

    I appreciate the compliment. I've had numerous people express in private similar thoughts as you. Some who are even in the media would love nothing more than to turn it off as well, however it's required as part of their job.

    Let's you and I be a powerful change agent!
